Isometric Holds for Chest Gains

Want to take your chest training to the next level and unlock new gains? Try this technique, used many generations ago by old time strongmen and athletes with fantastic results!

The usual way we train a muscle is through a full ROM (range of motion), from a stretched position to a contracted position. This works great, recruiting many muscle fibres, and is the traditional way to achieve hypertrophy (muscle growth).

However there is another way to really shock the muscles for both size and strength gains, and this is by placing prolonged stress in a particular section of the ROM (range of motion). For the chest, the best part of the ROM to do this is in the stretched position if you are using free weights, and the contracted position if you are using machines of cables. Below are two examples:

Example 1 - Stretched Isometric Hold - Free Weights

Perform bench press  (or pushups if you are a beginner) for a set of 5 reps, but at the bottom of each rep, pause and hold for a count of 5 seconds (without resting the bar on your chest, or your chest on the floor if performing pushups) before pressing up again. This will absolutely destroy your chest and you will feel it the next day. Repeat this cycle for 5 sets. Although this sounds very familiar to the 5x5 strength program, it incorporates isometric holds and tremendous TUT (time under tension) which will give you gains in size, density and definition.

Example 2 - Contracted Isometric Hold - Machines and Cables

Perform cable flyes or machine pec deck for a set of 5 reps, but at the top of each rep, contract your chest muscles as hard as you can and maintain this squeeze for 5 seconds, before going back down. Again, perform 5 sets of this, with as much weight as you can handle with good form.

Try the above workouts for a month or two (with at least 2 or 3 days rest between each chest workout), and watch your pecs take on a whole new three-dimensional shape, size and fullness!