Chest Growth Hack with Partial Reps

Are you stuck at a strength plateau which is stopping you from getting further growth and development in your chest muscles? Partial reps could be the secret most gym goers don't know about! Here's how to gain a cutting edge and grow that big chest!

Why Partial Reps?

Partial reps allow you to lift a lot more weight than you can do for a full ROM (range of motion). Because of this, you can take your 1 rep max (or even heavier!) on a particular exercise, and do 10 or more reps with it due to the shorter ROM.

Your CNS (central nervous system) will experience a new level of stress and overload, and your pituitary gland (located in the brain) will release more growth hormone than usual. Your muscles will gain unbelievable strength, which later on you can convert into size.

But I want size, not strength!

If you are interested in bodybuilding and looking aesthetic, then you might not care about chest strength as much as chest size and definition. Don't worry, this will all make sense. As you get stronger and stronger at the partial ROM, you can gradually start to increase the range of motion each week while still aiming for the same number of reps. Eventually, you will be doing high volume sets with more weight than your old 1 rep max. Your chest muscles will be FORCED to grow.

Example Routine

Remember - you want to incorporate full range of motion exercises along with partials - for a well balanced and complete workout. However during this training phase, the partials element of the workout will focus on pure brutal strength with as much weight as possible, while in the full range of motion section of the workout you will just focus on getting a pump with light to moderate weights.

Bench Press (Full ROM)
Warmup - 3 sets of 10 with light to medium weight

Bench Press Partials (Top Component)
2 sets of 10 with as heavy a weight as possible

Note: set your bench in a power rack with the safety pins only allowing the bar to go half way down to your chest. Let the bar rest on the pins between each rep for a half second

Dumbbell Flyes (Full ROM)
Warmup - 3 sets of 10 reps with light to medium weight

Dumbbell Flyes Partials (reduced ROM)
2 sets of 10 with as heavy a weight as possible

Note: be careful and go very slow on this exercise. Remember, you are using a lot heavier weight than you ever would on flyes, so don't stretch down too far, and also try not to rest at the top. If you feel any strain at any time, just let go of the dumbbells and allow them to fall on the floor


1 set to failure

Note: If you've truly pushed yourself to the limit on this workout, you should really struggle to even get 10 pushups

Give this workout a try and be amazed at the results!

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